Living Single was my show.
When I was younger I couldn't wait to leave the Bronx to live in a brownstone in Brooklyn
with my three friends. I saw myself being the Regine Hunter of the group.
Sexy, stylist and someone who really got it going on.
Then Sex and The City come along and while I was away in college
I knew that I was the Carrie of the group.
The single, stylish female on the go Living in the city that I love... NYC
Lowkey Carrie was a MESS. She self sabotaged herself when it came to love and relationships.
Charlotte was that optimistic character who knew what she wanted.
Samantha was a bad b*tch... period and Miranda was career women who wasn't going to let anyone get in her way. I was a mixture of all of them if you ask me because they all had traits that I also have.
Now Joan Carol Clayton was draining and also a mixture of Carrie Bradshaw as well.
I don't know who I relate more with in Girlfriends because Lynn was all about her education, just like me. Maya was married at a young age with a child, who was driven to be more than a secretary and Toni, well Toni was all about Toni, a successful real estate agent just trying to marry rich, but she knew what she wanted.
Now that I think about it I was definitely Joan. Just a mess over all.
These characters, Regine, Carrie and Joan was a mess but in all they wanted one thing... That Mr. Right. Eventually Regine married her millionaire, Carrie finally got her Mr. Big and Joan... well she she found her right one. Sucks to not see her finally get her happy ending.
All three shows are shows that I LOVE and watch almost every but now that I am older it's all about my career, treating myself and LOVE.
I know this post might be all over the place but IDK, lol
I've been watching nothing but Living Single, Sex and the City and Girlfriends re-runs and I've been focused on each character to see if I still see myself as that character now as I did back in the day.
I do somewhat.
P.S. Being Mary Jane was this close ( ) to be added on to this post. Lol.
Miss Mary Jane Paul was that SHIT but ol' girl had issues when it came to her career, family and love life.. Hint, hint, lol
Outfit Details:
*Please note.. Most items that I am wearing is old.. Found way in the back of my closet.
Don't come for me If I can't find the link.
Wide brim hat- (old hat)
Grey face mask- Old Navy
Cold-shoulder grey sweater- (as seen here)
Maxi Cardigan- Boohoo
Oxblood Faux shirt- vintage shop in London
Saint Laurent Clutch- Rebag (SOLD OUT)
Beige snake pointed-toe mules- Lulu's

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