"Did you miss me?"- Varnell Hill voice
Let me tell ya'll this... I've been quarantined in this house since March 13th
and Bay-Bee!! I am DONE. A lot can happen when you're bored in the house
and you're in the house bored but one thing I can't miss is a good opportunity
to play dress-up and stunt in my living room.
This has been such a rough and tough 10 weeks for me.
Just like everyone else.. I miss being able to get dressed and leave my house.
Just like everyone else.. I miss being able to get dressed and leave my house.
I am grateful that I am able to work from home but I miss seeing and hugging my love ones.
It's very hard during these times (for some) to stay home and do nothing.
I got to know myself, read a few books, cook more, shopping of course and do everything else
that keeps me happy and satisfied.
The worse part of this whole ordeal for me (or when my life turned upside down) was when
I lost my 98 year old Grandmother on May 8th due to Covid-19 complications.
This has caused me so much hurt and pain especially now since I am planning the funeral
(which is weeks from now) and trying to do the best & stay sane while being quarantined at home.
As you all know being at home doesn't give me the best advantage (like others) to
be THAT blogger that I use want to be.
I'm lazy sometimes so me getting fully dressing and talking picture ain't happening.
I was asked to do the "don't rush" challenge on Instagram 4 times already and I didn't because
I couldn't see myself getting all dressed up for a 5 second video clip (no shade).
Speaking of the "The Gram".. While playing on Instagram, waiting for the Versus battle between
Beenie Man & Bounty Killa, which was so GOOD by the way I just so happen to look at the date on my phone (I tend to forget the day & date since I don't leave the house) and I saw 5/23/2020.
You know when there is something you have to do or something special happening but for the love God you cannot remember? well this is what happened to me and two special days in May for me are:
My Bloggerversary- 5/25 and my Grandmother's Birthday 5/27.
Covid-19 almost had me missing these two special days.
Honestly I didn't remember my bloggerversary was this Monday till like 6pm (Saturday).
This sucks because I have no special photo to celebrate so I choose to show out and
celebrate the best way possible:
1. with a new pair of heels, which I call my new house slippers
2. a pair of comfy "Mom" jeans- Please note-I haven't worn jeans since 3/13
A great flatlay goes a long way
So in a Fendi Bag Fashion I celebrate 10 years of blogging
STILL in STYLE, Quarantined and with my feet UP!
Happy Birthday & Rest In Peace Grandma

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