I've been blogging for EIGHT years now.
When I say EIGHT years I mean I come from the blogging days where my Blogging numbers where GOOD.
People from ALL around the world would visit my blog and leave a comment...COMMENT, y'all remember them days?
The days where you'd leave a comment on a bloggers page and they would do the same thing.
That my friend is called "Showing LOVE", remember that? no shade
I remember my very first blog post like it was yesterday.
I was up all night not knowing what my first post would be.
See for me (at that time) blogging was something I loved.
I worked and went to Grad School (Shout-out to my TWO Master's Degree) so of course I was up ALL night studying and blogging.
I would draft at least 7 blog post a week.
I think the visitors/bloggers from back in the day, the hits, comments and love was all I need to push me as a fashion blogger.
Now it doesn't even feel the same.
I cannot complain though.
Times have changed and Instagram has taken over.
SOME people would prefer to look at pictures and not read a whole blog post.
It's all about who has the MOST followers/ being IG famous.
I get it but it can be a little discouraging if you ask me.
One thing for sure, I will NEVER give up on my blog.
My blog is like my portfolio.
I know I sometimes struggle to post sometimes/ find a reliable photographer, but quitting my blog is something I can't do.
The only think that has changed with me and this here blog is that it is my 2nd baby.
I am a Fashion BLOGGER and I know I could be better BUT at this point in my life I really don't have the time to invest in branding myself and my blog.
This is one of the many reasons why I never changed my Instagram name.
I know for a FACT that my IG handle needs to change for brands to take me serious.
Before I do so I need to pick a name/ handle that will help re-brand myself and my blog and devote time to it and right now, I cannot commit to that.
So for now, I'm still here... taking pictures and sh*t
*Please excuse if this blog post is all over the place.
I had a thought and then I lost it while watching 90 Day Fiancé, lol.
Outfit details:
Boyfriend jeans & Shirt- Primark
Fringe sandals- Cape Robbin
Graffiti art by by JCBKNYC
L O C A T I O N | Westfield World Trade Center

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