"Baby it's COLD outside".
Not too cold to attend a few pop up shops.
Check out how I kept warm at the Louis Vuitton Exhibit and Candle Power by Yankee Candle (pictured above).
More cool BUT awkward photos after the break from #CandlePowerNYC, Lol
as well as a few candles I personalized.
For those asking...
The room is set up upside down so when you walk in the wall, which I am on is actually the floor (Tilt your phone/ head/ etc and you will see what I mean, lol)
Oh.. I cannot forget about the candle
These two personalized candles at the pop-up shop that I brought for my Mother came up to $30.
Which is a GREAT price because you know these candles can run you about $25+ tax a piece.
You can always personalize your own and have it ship to you.. Not 2 for $30 though (Pop-up shop price ONLY).
Personalize your own candle (HERE)
Check out more via my Snapchat & Insta-stories (Drakes_ Right_ Hand) on my pop-up adventures at the Yankee Candle, Louis Vuitton Exhibition as well as finding a NEW restaurant
Hot N Juicy Crawfish on W 14th street.
P.S.- My mother LOVES Cardi B.
L O C A T I O N | All over the damn city, NYC

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