Diary of a Blogger | Ten things I learned from "Crazy Sexy Cool" The TLC Story


I know I am LATE with this post but let's just get into this.. First off last week Monday was ALL about TLC. If you follow me on twitter (my personal account) PurpleKisses212, you would know that I was tweeting and watching the Crazy Sexy Cool story at the same damn time.

Let me just state this.... Lil Mama KILLED it... I mean this post should be an open letter to her to apologize for my shady ways and side-eye days from her jumping on the stage during Jay'z & Alicia Keys performance on the MTV Music Awards back in 2009..... "I's SORRY". She nailed it, killed it and she should win some kind of Soul Train Award, Emmy.... SOMETHING...

Now here are a few things that I learned from the TLC story to make me say that TLC taught me well:
1. I was a tomboy and may STILL have an inner tomboy in me.
2. I can still DANCE... This movie showed me that twerkin' should NOT take over my body, Lol but during my TLC days I was really bustin' the move.
3. I am Chilli- I mean I don't have men problems (Some days, lol) but I am just that little ol' fashion gal that just wants to be loved, confussed about love and in love with the fact that I want and is ready for some kids
4. Music is my Boyfriend- Listen if you wasn't jumping on your couch or bed during this story dancing & singing then something is wrong with you and if I am the only one to re-open my itunes up and listen or download som TLC hits then chiiiiiiiiile... please re-think that because I am STILL listening to each album.
5. I am CRAZY x SEXY x COOL- If you know me well then you know that I need my own reality show (CRAZY), I am in love with myself and love to dress up and just be me and everything in between (SEXY) and I am Tamanika.... I am an Aquarius/ Just laid back (at time) and love to have fun (COOL)
6. It's not all about the Heels x Pumps x Stilltoes- Believe it or not I use to wear my timbs and sneakers to the fullest.  It was all about being comfortable and heel free.
7. I am an 80's Baby.... NUFF SAID!
8. Girl Groups Rock- TLC, SWV, Total, Zhane, Brownstone, En Vogue, Jade, 702 and the list goes on and on
9. My baby hair was on Point- Listen... Chilli taught me that it was okay to use some gel or vaseline to slick my baby hair down... This was the NO weave era so I had no worries...
10. And last but not least whatever happens/ where ever I go I always have my girls by my side.

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