Fashion Friday's/TAG!!! I'm It!!!

Fashion Friday
This is what I call the BEST of Tammy… Enjoy!
Special shout out to Shariece over at “Beauty or SWAAG” who TAGGED me in her post.  This will be the BEST way to find out a few things about MOI…

TAG!!! I’m It!!!

 11 Random things about Moi
  • My refrigerator is EMPTY. I hate grocery shopping
  • I live in Ikea
  • I have a duel Masters in Education
  • My family is from London, England
  • I'm obsessed with tattoos (I have a lot). I keep them covered though
  • I was a STAN (fan) of Blossom.  I loved ALL of her outfits on her show. I wrote her (10) letter when I was little
  • When I was younger my mother told me that Naomi Campbell was my cousin & I believed her b/c they have the same accent. When I finally saw/asked her she gave me the meanest "Side-eye"
  • I was in (2) music videos during my undergrad days (no a** shaking though)
  • I still have my 99' crush on Allen Iverson
  • When I went away to school I joined an Hispanic club/ became the Vice-President (don't judge me) just to be next to this Cuban guy I liked (don't judge me).
  • I don't own a pair of sneakers

1. If you had to choose a world without fashion or a world without music, which would you choose? Oh NO I can't choose. Music is my Boyfriend & Fashion is my Best Friend.. We go together.. I can't decide.
2. Have you accomplished any of your life goals? Yes & No. I did graduate for college BUT I did want to retire at the age of 30 (true story). I have a lot more to do and accomplish SO I'm not finished YET.
3. What's the meaning of LOVE to you? To me, Love is knowing that/that person that you are with is the person that you would see yourself with for the rest of your life. Love is everything.
4. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? If I could go anywhere it would be to Brazil.  I wanted to go there so bad/ I have been talking about going when I graduated from high school.
5. who’s the biggest inspiration in your life right now? My Mother..Always & forever
6. What's your favorite thing about blogging? The best thing about blogging for me is expressing my self.  I always say: "I don't blog to impress.. I blog to express".
7. What's your favorite thing out of anything you own? My favorite thing believe it our no out of all of my shoes & other things would just be my blog "A Fendi Bag & A Bag Attitude".. Yup, I brought it (Thanks, Kim).
8. Do you believe in fate? Yes I do
9. What's your favorite song? If you follow me on twitter (besides prince) it would be The Dream "Purple Kisses"
10. Jeans or dresses? I'm known to rock a pair of jeans & ripped them up BUT I'd ROCK a dress first
11. What's your favorite food? Jambalaya!!!!

NOW I tagged these (7)FAB bloggers:
-List (11) random things about yourself
-Answer the SAME questions I answered about my self.. TAG, YOU'RE IT!

Enjoy and have a FAB weekend.  XoXo


Unknown said...

Simply Fabulous! ;)

Dre said...

I enjoyed reading your tag, Tammy! I feel like I learned so much about you! I can just see Naomi Campbell giving you that side eye right now. I can't wait to do a blogger meet-up so we can meet!

Johanna said...

Nice tag. Love the facts about you :) Have an amazing weekend! xoxo

Bravoe Runway said...

Long time no chat Tammy! Isn't it funny about what our parent's tell us as kids and we actually believe them??!hehe

Theory Republic said...

amen to this "I don't blog to impress.. I blog to express"

Mode Haven said...

love the looks here...and still LOL and being VP of the Hispanic club :-)!!

Unknown said...

Tammy...those are just too FAB for words.

<3 Marina