4 Things I'm Obsessed With This Week!

My RED Vintage Clutch
 This is my FAVORITE clutch that I carried all week. I WERK’D this clutch with the many colors that I had on having no care in the world because I knew that I only paid $3 for it.  Sadly I had to give it a rest & rock something else BUT this week was all about me and my RED clutch.
BTW- Who is going to Atlantic Antic (In Brooklyn) on Sunday? If you do go you are SURE to find some HWAT Vintage items down there... I’ll be there.

Shoe Box Sculpture
I have a shopping bag display that I am obsessed with BUT not seeing this design in Bergdorf in New York the other day I NEED to create this or something similar to this. I am gathering my shoe boxes right now and trying to create something that might come out to be a mess but WHO CARES… This pictures/display still Gives. Me. LIFE!

My Pink Nails
Summer is over and fall is here and  I am so obsessed with colors.  Last week I had this DOPE Purple Nail polish on that is called “PurpleKiss” (twitter anyone?!) but I am BACK to my “Pinkberry” nail polish because of all the compliments I get on it. So if you see me out this weekend rocking my “Pinkberry” just know that I’m still obsessed.

NYC Street Pictures
 Every time I walk past 44th street to go to my office I always see this guy with some FAB shoe pictures, street Signs and Vintage Vogue Pictures (Remember this post?). Well I have been buying some everyday and these are what I have. Pretty soon I will have the whole pictures and have no place at all to put them.

These are a few things that I am obsessed with this week. 
What are YOU obsessed with?


Dre said...

These pinkberry nails are too fab, ma'am! And I'm loving that vintage red clutch, too!


Me and you both are obessed with that clutch!



LA Lynn's said...

Gurrrrl, $3 for that RED Clutch???!!!! That's the BOMB!!!! I'm loving the shoe box display as well... I'm trying to figure out if I could make that happen in my closet! lol

Loving your obsession... my only obsession this week is keeping up with this hair do! My head is itching soooo bad under this weave I could SCREAMMMMMM!!!!!

Tammy said...

Lmbo @ LA Lynn. I feel you on that... I can;t stand when that happens

Thanks Ladies!

Monroe Steele said...

that clutch is hot and i love that shoe box sculture...i think i have enough shoe boxes to make one lol. cool post and thanks for all your lovely comments

xoxo Monroe

Fashion Steele NYC

Unknown said...

That clutch is lovely. I've been obsessed with all cosy clothes lately :)) haha! going to follow you!! xx

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Lydz xX said...

ooh ooh oh love your bag and the nailpolish you are wearing and that shoe box display. wish i had space in my apartment to build a shoe mountain, and even though im still a bit slow, im glad to be back :)

Lydz xX

Anonymous said...

looks great**
i just subcribed to your blog..hope u subcribe back,id love to comment some more..
take care

High Heels & Good Meals! said...

Girl Im loving that clutch! That shoe box sculpture is interesting too.

Ashley said...

I love your ring!!! lol
& pink nails is always my go-to fave :)