Someone (wife, ex-wife, girlfriend, or jump-off) got arrested yesterday during the taping of VH1's "Basketball Wives" reunion show. I am not even going to go into details about what really went down (he say/ she say) but all I can say is that: I. cannot. Wait. till. June. 20th. to. see. all the drama!
Kid Fury
Welcome Back!!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial day weekend. As for me I did it all, got some much needed rest and had a great time with my friends. Now back to our regular schedule I present to you "Kid Fury". Now if you don't know me by now you now know that I am a Kid Fury fan. You will see him on my blog more than once so get use to him. Watch his tang as he shows you how to "ride" better than CiCi could and make sure you check his blog out at
Dulce Shoetique
You know I had to do a shoe post on VH1's Basketball Wives Evelyn Lozada's shoetique "Dulce". I heard about Evelyn's shoe store way before the show Basketball Wives came on. I heard about "Dulce" from Raashida Ali who owns "Bourgeoisie Shoetique" in Harlem and "B Chic Shoetique" in Atlanta. Raashida was also on the first episode of Basketball Wives where she told Jen off during Evelyn's Birthday party about being Phony (Drama). When I was in Miami last August I was looking for "Dulce" but it was closed due to renovations. Recently Evelyn celebrated "Dulce's" one year anniversary where she showcased this season's hottest shoes. To view Dulce’s entire collection or to shop online, visit
*Side-bar: Look out for Raashida Ali's new show "Deals and Heel's coming soon.
VH1's Basketball Wives.......Season 2
Basketball Wives will be back for a second season and If you know me then you know that I am a fan of Basketball wives. I love all of the drama that comes with this show from Royce always shaking her a**, Jen's grey contacts and marital problems (btw- she went to Fairleigh Dickinson University) and the "Hwat" shoes Evelyn wore on the show from her store "Dulce". I can't wait for the second season... better yet, I can't wait to see the reunion show. You can catch Basketball Wives on VH1 every Sunday at 10pm as well as follow the cast on Twitter.
Happy Birthday Martha "Darling" Mitchell
May 27, 2010

Love you always & forever
Sex And The City 2
The wait is finally over. At 12 midnight tickets to see Sex And The City 2 are officially on sale.. Every female I know will be organizing a "Sex And The City girlfriends night out" wearing their best outfit's as well as their 6 inch heels to see Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. If you are like me then you will first go on the Sex And The City tour, which meets on 58th street and 5th ave where they take you on a 3.5 hour bus ride to see some of the hottest spots that Carrie and her girls hung out at.
*BTW- I heard that the wardrobe for SATC2 was $10 million.... (Just give me 5 minutes in there please)
*BTW- I heard that the wardrobe for SATC2 was $10 million.... (Just give me 5 minutes in there please)
Slush Life Ent.
May 25, 2010
If I take one more drink
For those who don't already know "Slush Life Ent." is something I made to prepare people of what to expect whenever I go out and have fun. When the drinks are in my system and I am feeling "NICE" I always find a way to Twitter, Text or Bbm someone something reckless. I don't get drunk, I get slush and when I get slush... WATCH OUT!
Quotes that I live by...
Here are a few quotes that help define who I am, the way I feel & help's me get through the day.
"Pretty bitches do pretty things."-Brook Lynne
"Karma is a b*tch & she ain't cheap"- Necole Bitchie
"Forget love, I'd rather fall into shoes"- Tammy
"I don"t want your number, I want you to wonder"- Bitchie Chicks
"Don't ask me what my name is stupid b*tch I'm famous"- R. Kelly
"My attitude is Tattoo'd, which means it is permanent"- Tammy
"Once a good Girl's gone bad, she's gone forever"- Jay"z
"Women are like cell phones. They like to be held and talked to, but push the wrong button, and you’ll be disconnected"- EveVIL_Bitchie
""I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love." -Marilyn Monroe
*What are some of your favorite quotes?
Nail Art

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