Fendi Bag x HUSH Cosmetics GIVEAWAY

Fendi Bag x HUSH Cosmetics 
It’s that TIME… Yup, that’s right/ I am teaming up with Hush Cosmetics to do my 1st giveaway.  If you remember my 1st post on Hush Cosmetics (click here) then you know that it is a MUST for me to have a FAB giveaway with one of their products & this time I am giving away a 24k lipgloss to ONE of my FAB followers… YUP, that’s right… ALL ABOUT THE BLING!

In order to enter you MUST:
  • Be- “A Fendi Bag & A Bad Attitude” follower (leave a comment along with your email)
  • FOLLOW- Hush Cosmetics on twitter (here)
For ADDITIONAL chances to win:
**This giveaway is open to US residents only. Next giveaway will be open to everyone** 
    The winner will be chosen on my Birthday January 31st (afternoon)

    UP NEXT…

    My Birthday COUNTDOWN: 6 Days


    LA Lynn's said...

    WOW… such an awesome giveaway! I am a follower of your blog, I follow you on Facebook & twitter and I also follow HUSH via twitter!

    My email address is: shoplalynns@yahoo.com

    *Fingers crossed* hoping I WIN!!!!!

    Frugal Flirty N Fab said...

    Great Giveaway!!! Hope I win!

    Carmen Vogue said...

    This lipgloss is dope! Of course I am following :), I also just followed HUSH on twitter, and I am following @fendibag on twitter as well.

    My email is lynnuh2007@gmail.com

    Dre said...

    Awesome giveaway! This lipgloss looks cool! Count me in, hunni!

    I follow your blog via GFC: Miss Dre
    I follow hush and fendi bag on twitter via @SoDreWrites
    I follow fendi bag on facebook as well.

    My email address is missdre910@gmail.com

    Ashley said...

    Great giveaway!!! I follow your blog and I follow you on twitter. My email address is asassywoman25@yahoo.com.

    I hope I win :)


    Makeup_Lush22 said...

    I'm following u guys love the GLOSS from @hushcosmetics
    And Love the blogg topics.

    Super fierce giveaway any grl would be lucky to win.
    I'm now following u guys on twitter, Facebook, and instagram.

    IG: VanityPC

    Anonymous said...

    I would love to win this so I can show all my friends in Seattle how I rock that hush lipgloss

    My email is iamquenchetta@gmail.com

    Carrymel said...

    OMG! I'm so hyped for this! :) I've always wanted one of these glosses - but I'll take a bunch, gladly! lol

    I'm following on everything (@Carrymel) and I've liked your Facebook page (Nhya Lynn)!


    High Heels & Good Meals! said...

    Would love to win this!
    My email addy is willworkforheels@gmail.com

    Tammy said...

    Good Luck Ladies!!!!

    LV said...

    This is a great giveaway! I followed them on twitter and of course I follow you on GFC


    Bravoe Runway said...

    This is an awesome giveaway!

    I'm following you GFC
    I've followed Hush Cosmetics on Twitter

    I've followed you on Twitter

    my email is: bravoerunway (at) gmail (dot) com

    Jamie said...

    found your blog through the giveaway and I'm looking forward to your future posts now that I'm following!

    My email address is: jamiethesoprano@gmail.com

    I'm also doing a giveaway on my blog http://www.labrunway.com :-)

    my twitter acct is: @LabRunway

    Fashion Pad said...

    Yeeeyyyy a giveaway! Girl I entered via every option, lol.


    Lovelyladyjb said...

    Great giveaway!

    I am already following you! And I follow Hush on Twitter - lovelyladyjb

    Looms, Lids, and Layers said...

    I follow you and I am following HUSH on Twitter

    Looms, Lids, and Layers said...

    I tweeted

    Ashley said...

    I did everything plus the extra entries...FB (GlamNoLabelz), Tweet, Twitter follower of yours & HUSH (@GLamNoLabelz), Been following you through GFC (ashley)

    Unknown said...

    What an amazing giveaway!! Just entered doll but I don't have a twitter account. Hope this doesn't hurt my chances... :((

    <3 Marina

    JustJoi said...

    Umm it has crystals in it so you know I'm excited! lol Email joi@inpiratewetrust.com
    I want to win :)

    Anonymous said...

    Live for all you ladies commenting ! KEEP IT ON A HUSH!

    Nancy R said...

    I follow @Fendibag_badatt x @Hushcosmetics

    I Like on Facebook as Nancy Reid
    and commented https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=218631698231879&id=105325222895861

    I tweeted the giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/eyewonit/status/162689799478722560

    eyewonit AT aol (DOT [com]

    Beauty or Swaag said...

    This is a great giveaway, I'm excited : )


    xoxo, Shariece

    L. said...

    I'm already a follower of yours, & I just followed HUSH Cosmetics on Twitter!

    E-Mail : esotericelle@gmail.com

    whoot !

    Johanna said...

    Hi sweetie, fabulous giveaway! I came here to let you know I gave you a little award in my blog ;) xoxo ♥

    The Equipped Woman said...

    Great Giveaway! My email address is brenda64122004@yahoo.com